The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast

Join hosts Sean and Melanie on their weekly journey into the captivating and supernatural world of the cult classic TV show, ”Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” In ”The Sunnydale Diaries”, these two friends come together from opposite ends of the Buffyverse, resulting in an entertaining and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the show’s themes, characters, and episodes. On one side of the debate, you have Sean, the seasoned viewer and die-hard Buffy aficionado. His love for the show runs so deep that he’s proudly inked an iconic episode quote on his arm, a testament to the enduring influence of this 90’s gem. Sean’s passion for Buffy is infectious, and his encyclopedic knowledge of the series adds depth to each episode as he navigates the highs, lows, and iconic moments that have kept fans enchanted for decades. On the other side of the spectrum, we have Melanie, the uninitiated skeptic who’s never seen an episode of ”Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” With a steadfast belief that it’s a cheesy 90’s relic that can’t possibly withstand the test of time, she brings a fresh, modern perspective to the conversation. Melanie’s skepticism is often met with disbelief and amusement by Sean, as she questions whether Buffy can truly deliver on the hype that has surrounded it for so many years. Together, Sean and Melanie dissect the general themes and overarching plotlines of the show, exploring its cultural significance, strong character development, and feminist undertones. They dive into the individual episodes, examining the monsters of the week, character dynamics, and how well the show has aged (or hasn’t) in the 21st century. But ”The Sunnydale Diaries” isn’t just a serious analysis of the show. Sean and Melanie’s chemistry and friendship shine through in their humorous, tangential chit-chat. Their witty banter and playful disagreements make each episode of the podcast feel like a lively conversation between two friends catching up over coffee (or, perhaps, a stake and garlic-infused latte). Whether you’re a lifelong Buffy fan, a curious newbie, or simply looking for an engaging and hilarious discussion about a beloved TV classic, ”The Sunnydale Diaries” has something for everyone. Join Sean and Melanie on this supernatural journey as they slay their way through the Buffyverse, one episode at a time.

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Monday Mar 04, 2024

Sean and Melanie start this one off by describing their first experiences with alcohol and their favorite inebriated interactions. From Melanie having a sloe gin fizz in international waters to Sean's epic holiday party with Maple Crown Royal, there have been many drinks consumed. 
Along with their funny drinking stories, they do discuss some of the more serious topics of the Buffy episode "Reptile Boy". But, they balance the seriousness with humor - Melanie does a great impression of Cordelia's fake laughter and Sean makes a connection between Buffy, Days of our Lives. and Supernatural. 
Check out our recent Facebook post to see Melanie wearing the hat she mentioned in this episode!
If you're like Sean and not aware of the "Shoes" video by Liam Kyle Sullivan that Melanie mentioned, or you just want to watch it again, here's a link:
Ask Alexa to play "Alcohol" by The Barenaked Ladies and enjoy this episode!

Monday Feb 26, 2024

Inspired by Xander and Ampata munching on Twinkies, Sean and Melanie delve into the savory and sweet world of snack foods - what snacks they liked when they were kids (some which don't taste as good as they used to) and what snacks they love today (Sean had Melanie very interested in buttered pop tarts).
After completing the snack food conversation (which could have lasted all episode), they chew over the events of the Buffy episode "Inca Mummy Girl". Sean points out that yet another student was left behind during a field trip and shares his appreciation of the shirt Oz wears in his first scene. Melanie points out a connection between this episode and the Twilight movies and expresses her opinion on Oz's facial hair. 
We are continuing to work on the details of the Buffy diorama contest - more info coming soon!

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

In this episode, Sean and Melanie delve deep into the  third episode of Buffy season two, "School Hard". They unravel Buffy's complex relationship with her mother, Joyce, and discuss how our parents were involved in our own education. Did our elementary schools really have us knocking on neighbors' doors to sell wrapping paper and collect donations for read-a-thons?
Principal Snyder's unconventional approach to school administration is discussed, pondering how he got his job given his questionable motives and decisions. As Spike and Drusilla make their menacing entrance, Sean and Melanie analyze their characters and interactions with the already established cast. From fashion choices to linguistic mishaps, there's a little something for everyone in this episode of The Sunnydale Diaries!

Monday Feb 12, 2024

Melanie and Sean take on science fairs in this episode - hear about the projects they created and experiments they took part in (and some of the disasters that ensued.) 
Diving into the events of the Buffy episode "Some Assembly Required", Melanie provides instruction on the proper way to eat a powdered donut. Sean expresses his dissatisfaction with Angel wearing beige, and they both question why so many bad events at Sunnydale High happen in the Science Lab. 
We will be releasing details about the Buffy Diorama contest soon - keep an eye on our social media (@thesunnydalediaries) and website ( for more info. 

Monday Feb 05, 2024

Sean and Melanie kick off season 2 discussing summer break activities - their favorite family vacations, summer college classes, and just driving around. Hear all about the summer of Melanie's deepest tan and the gross act Sean performed on his 21st birthday!
Unpacking the events of the Buffy episode "When She Was Bad", Melanie questions where all the vampires went during summer vacation, and she and Sean express concern that the Master's bones are still pretty intact at the end of the episode. And what is around Buffy's shoulders in the final scene???
Thank you to Elysium Music for creating our intro and outro music! Check out more on his Youtube channel. 

Monday Jan 29, 2024

We couldn't dive into season 2 without first looking back on season 1! In this bonus recap episode, we discuss the highs and lows of the season, key points of each Buffy episode, and included a compilation of outtakes and other funny moments. Get ready to laugh and enjoy this recap. See you in season 2!

Monday Jan 22, 2024

In this episode, Melanie and Sean share their views on fate and prophecy, and describe their experiences with earthquakes. There's a short discussion of some apocalyptic movies and books, including The Day After, The Stand, and Resident Evil. 
Melanie was so pulled into the Season 1 Buffy finale episode, "Prophecy Girl" that she had to stop taking notes and just watch! Sean provides the definition of what a "fatling" is and shares his annoyance with Angel panting over an unconscious Buffy while also saying "I have no breath". 
We're looking forward to starting season 2 of Buffy but will have one more episode where we'll discuss season 1 overall. Want to discuss the podcast with other fans? Join us on our discord server:

Monday Jan 15, 2024

Sean and Melanie start off this episode by describing their own prom experiences and some other fun high school highlights including class rings (a scam!) and yearbooks. They review the impressive filmography of Clea DuVall (who played Marcie in this episode) and discuss a few times in their own lives when they felt invisible. 
During discussion of the Buffy Episode "Out of Mind, Out of Sight", Sean points out what early 90s movie people may know Mercedes McNab (Harmony) from. Melanie drops some knowledge on what the "Twinkie Defense" is and they acknowledge that Cordelia may be turning over a new leaf (not to be confused with the cabbage leaf toupee also discussed.) Be on the lookout for flying baseball bats and check us out on Instagram at @thesunnydalediaries!

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

We're 10 episodes in! In this one, Melanie and Sean explore their childhood nightmares (one of Sean's continues the puppet theme from last episodes) and discuss common fears and phobias. There's several good tidbits that will be useful at your next trivia game!
During discussion of the Buffy episode "Nightmares", Melanie asks who is responsible for lighting all the candles in the master's lair, and fondly reminisces when Buffy's father played a different role on the prairie. Sean questions the absence of Mr. Snyder and points out how Melanie is forming a bond with the characters on Buffy.
Do you have a recurring dream/nightmare you'd like to share with us? Send us the details at

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

In this episode, Sean and Melanie discuss their own talent show experiences and moments on stage, including tap dancing to Wham and playing commercial jingles live. There's discussions about their favorite puppets (spanning decades from the 50s to today) and a lot of random bursting into song.
While walking through the Buffy episode "The Puppet Show", Sean compares Sid the Dummy to Mr. Game Show, an electronic toy from the late 80s. Melanie shares her thoughts on seeing Principal Snyder for the first time, and they both question the organization of the Sunnydale High Library. Sean also points out something unique in this episode that does not occur in any other Buffy episode. Watch out for the pitter-patter of little puppet feet and enjoy the episode!
Clip of the Beautiful Day Monster that terrified a young Melanie:
Commercial for Mr. Game Show:
The Muppet Yule Log:

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